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Sin Mortifies Series Part 1

Sin Mortifies  Do Not Conform to this World Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." More than 80 percent of our children are walking away from the church by the time they are seniors in high school. Does this terrify you as it should? As a mother of four, this terrifies me. The responsibility we hold is so extremely heavy because it goes beyond academics, health, wealth and prosperity. Today’s parents are faced with horrible possibilities, the possibility our child will become depressed and addicted to drugs and alcohol, or become pregnant while in high school, or not succeed in life financially. And to add to this, modern-day parents are also faced with these extremely high rates of disorders - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and a plethora of learning disorders. These are real problems, it is a possibility we parents will face any combo of t...

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