My Personal Testimony of Demon Deception

1 Timothy 4:1

 "Giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons"

I had been in the occult and heavily involved in spiritualism prior to my conversion in Christ Jesus. Post conversion God steadily rid and purged me of my practices, as He who started a good work in me will see it to completion. - Philippians 1:6. 

I had continued my elementary practice of Hatha Yoga; because of having two major back surgeries, four c~sections, a major knee repair and I suffered from Diastasis Recti (I have since then gotten it surgically repaired), And though I was a professing Christian, I just didn’t think Yoga was wrong.  I had not been convicted of my participation in this practice until about a year ago, this is where my testimony begins. I was to find out how very wrong my practices were.

Some evenings, after I settled everyone in for the night, I would walk the dog about a mile to loosen my joints, then come back to the house to dance to worldly music (Gorillaz or Imagine Dragons or something with an awesome beat), which formed into a type of Yoga. The Yoga was not scripted, I lead my body into positions that I was unaware I could obtain...I was unaware of what position would be next until in it, my body would be completely loose and without pain. When I did this form of Yoga and danced (wild and "great" dances) where my mind was psychically linked to the music’s beat, I felt as if I was with the Holy Spirit, and the entire time I would be praising and worshiping God for helping me to heal.  But it was not God that I was worshiping. Yoga became a more regular occurrence, almost nightly until one night my mind went somewhere unexpected and I had a "stigmata" like experience. Mind you, I during this same time-frame fervently sought the Lord, reading my Bible, and books on theology, I listened almost constantly to sermons and of course attended Church lead by a Bible-believing Pastor. After this happened, I called my Pastor and told him all of this. He told me that I should not seek these experiences, that he cannot prove the Stigmata to be of God and I need to return to scripture not experiential things. I know now that he also must have been praying for me, for God to rid me of my deception.

The Stigmata;

One night after my Yoga dance and "worship" of "God the Holy Spirit", I was lying down with my arms outstretched when my left arm turned to wood and I could hear the sound of metal on metal clang, like a pounding of a large hammered nail. And I was scared because there was this mental invitation to "receive" the pain. But I declined and it immediately went away. I was devastatingly sad. Like my decline was a denial of Christ. 

Days past and I was in great confusion, mental agony and heavy prayer, finally I went to Google and typed in - dancing with demons. After a long search and many reads, I landed on the Awakening of the Kundalini. It was as it is described in Hinduism, but I must add, this serpent rings the Chakras - opening the lotus aka third eye, which during the days of my occult worship I had been in the process of doing. So, this ringing of the Chakras gives the person a "god feeling" or "oneness feeling" (this is why I felt I was with the Holy Spirit) and music with certain trace evoking beats are best used for its awakening, Now as I read this information online ~ at the same time God replaced the word awakening with evoking and demon at the end of Kundalini and then filled my head with scripture – “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14.  Satan, the Serpent, is a great mimic of God.  He is referred to as the Great Counterfeit.


After God revealed to me the truth of how I was deceived I cried a cry of great sorrows and repented of my sin. How violated I felt that I was dancing with and giving my worship to Satan, how DISGUSTING. 

It was my fault, my sin. Thank God the Lord Jesus, that he forgives me my sin, that no scheme of Satan will ever pluck me from my Father's hand, I will NEVER be cast into the fire, for my Father is God my Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ. I am not a “perfect” Christian, for there is none that is. I come from a dark and spiritually low place but I believe in Christ and His promises, that he will complete his good work in me, He took my sin and bared the wrath of God "that it pleased the Father to crush the Son" so that I will be seen as white as snow, that I may be in the presence of a Holy God and  have everlasting life worshiping Him – The One and Only True God.

Daniel 11:35      
Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.

Daniel 12:10

Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.
