A New Year's Broken Start to a Disciplined Finish.

Since starting this blog I have wanted to put out at least one post each month, two is nicer but even with four children I can most certainly find time to talk about at least one of the topics that I more than likely have been chewing on for a while and would LOVE to share, but the new year started out a tad bit difficult.

I had been stoked to write about my "non" New Years resolution, below is an unpolished excerpt;

I normally do not make New Year's resolutions because in the past I've never kept them. I look at it like if I am going to accomplish anything in the new year it is not based on a promise to do so but an absolute want to do so. This year, though I'm not calling it a new years resolution, I am resolving to move forward in keeping better health. I have for the past 5 years been slowly gaining knowledge to employ better eating habits and healthier food choices, not just for me but my entire family. But, I have not employed any regular exercise regiment which is so very important for your overall health, energy level, strength and longevity of life. I have many reasons for not having done this; everything from pregnancies to several major surgeries, but now thanks to the good Lord I have fully recovered and have made the decision not to have a 5th or 6th or 7th child. So here I am in this new year with my whole life ahead of me, and with that, wanting to avoid more major surgeries, by exercising, being strong and most importantly being stable in my strength and weight. So resolution yes, I resolve to be fit and include exercise into my daily life for the rest of my life. For this month of January February and March, I have entered into a 90-day challenge called the Bikini Body Mommy, even though I never intend to wear a bikini I like the fact she leads very short and a very intense workout which is ideal for a mother of four who homeschools. I need to be able to exercise and not spend hours at the gym let alone money for a gym. And I am using this woman to form a discipline...the discipline of waking up in the morning and starting my day with a quick intense workout, a habit for life. I would also like to mention that prayer too has been very important in making this next step, asking God to give me the endurance stamina and willpower to both start and see it through day by day. because this is not so easy, it is not easy in the beginning when you are weak and undisciplined, When your schedule has been laid out tweaked and worked on for the past 3 months to where your finally comfortable and now I have just thrown another log on the fire. -end.

I was then going to talk about how being fit, physically, is essential for being fully disciplined...in charge of your mind and therefore your tongue. And how great of an importance this is in your walk with Christ. For the very word disciple is drawn from the word discipline. Then a not so funny thing happened, my computer broke. Actually, it's still broken...I type this one my phone...it's horribly horrible, small screen and all that.  Now, this happened at the beginning of last month and also at the beginning of last month our dryer broke. All I can say about that is Hahahaha...because we are a family size of 6...and that is a huge amount...no...mountains of laundry per week. That dryer was just fixed yesterday btw, I'll spare you the details. I noticed too that our doorbell stopped working and our front porch light fixture now dangles from the house and lastly, our master bedroom and bathroom electrical sockets and lights stopped working...a fuse???...the hub bub is still working that one out. The amount of stress all of this should cause me; homeschooling without a computer, running from mother's, to mother in law's, to friend's to drop off and pickup wet/dry laundry is enough, let alone the bedroom and bath being dark after 6. And we all know a stressed-out mommy is never fun for the family. How many times I have screamed at the children, or blown up at my husband? Countless...and every time I disqualified myself as a Christian. But this time, this time the stress was handled much better because my morning exercise routine was expelling the stress building up.

See, it's a theme of brokenness really. My house is standing, but inside things are broken. Now in my brokenness if I were to get overwhelmed and depressed nothing would get fixed and eventually the house would slowly decline, fall apart until it showed on the outside too for all to see, and one day it will lead to nothing being left but the need for demolition. But, if I'm disciplined in managing my time as well as my stress I will overcome my obstacles, fixing one thing at a time...and having the patience to wait for help on the things that I cannot fix myself.

Funny how God's word is revealed, as it was in church the Sunday before last. The message was from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 "do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus; not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified."

I now understand this passage. See I need discipline in my life, we all do. And I need very little spare time, because spare time will take away from my training...my discipline. It's sad to think, if a Yogi or martial arts master said this everyone in the world would agree...but a Christian, now that's bazaar, what a zealot they will say. But tell me, why should I or you: who serve the One True God Almighty, why should we be weaker and less disciplined,  less masterful and less knowledgeable of the God we serve and our purpose in serving him than those who serve a false god or themselves?
