A Time to Every Purpose
Ecclesiastes 3:5
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
Casting away stones and refraining from embracing is a critical part of God's purpose in building up His Kingdom in us.
Hebrews 12:1Speaks of the slow accumulation of sins
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

What God is saying is simple, as we move through life we grow. We grow through experiences, relationships, and educational institutions. And we gain a whole head full of facts, ideas, philosophies, beliefs, and ideologies which all contribute to the shaping of us as a person. So, we are to sift through our "harvest" during a course or a period of time, casting away ALL that is unholy, for the things that are of the world WILL degrade us and sperate us from fellowship with God.
Sometimes, we have gathered so much that is poisonous that we become sick and futile, that is when we cry out!

What God is saying is simple, as we move through life we grow. We grow through experiences, relationships, and educational institutions. And we gain a whole head full of facts, ideas, philosophies, beliefs, and ideologies which all contribute to the shaping of us as a person. So, we are to sift through our "harvest" during a course or a period of time, casting away ALL that is unholy, for the things that are of the world WILL degrade us and sperate us from fellowship with God.
Sometimes, we have gathered so much that is poisonous that we become sick and futile, that is when we cry out!
"LORD, those stones are so heavy and I am so burdened and weary...I am too tired to even cast them away, Deliver me!"
And just like that our sins become illuminated,
The stones that are the heaviest are the easiest to detect, for they are overwhelmingly obvious - their symptoms are present and nagging at our conscience - insisting that we take care through repentance and time with our Healer. Through this time (much needed time, for it is like going from being dehydrated and starved to an I.V. of fluids and a meal plan with perfect nutrients), that we see the hidden, deep and less-obvious sin. And as this process is taking place, it is best that we refrain from embracing - just as you would refrain from eating cake, or processed foods -lest we re-poison ourselves.
The end result: God restores you. You are built up with strength and knowledge to advance God's kingdom in your life, and able to rejoin the mission field; Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Amen |
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