Nickelodeon's Kid's Choice Awards
"We are managing this company for one thing and one thing only -- to build shareholder wealth. You can count on us to exploit every opportunity to grow revenues..."
Sumner Redstone,
Chairman and CEO, Viacom.
Funny, I have such a
mouthful to say, but I don't even know where to start. Do I start
backward; from a morally bankrupt society through how we, America got this
way? Or do I start at the birth of corruption? No, both are seriously too long and for most, time
is of the essence. So I will start present day, to warn of a very specific
date and time; Saturday, March 28th at 8PM Eastern. Nickelodeon will be
airing their Kids Choice Awards. You may laugh, but I want to cry.
Because the seriousness of this topic is so heavy and so deep seeding it feels
like an impenetrable force. And I do mean to use the word force, and I do not
use it lightly. We are at war for our children's souls with forces that want to
exploit and abuse them. They thrive and make a profit off of destroying our
children's moral compasses. How could anyone take that lightly? or worse yet,
ignore the dangers? But we all know the world and those of the world do this
all the time...they place their (parental) comforts over their children's wellbeing.
We have heard the excuses a thousand times before - "Oh that's just
crazy!", "I just can't think about those things right now!", "I
am way too busy to look into it, maybe when things die down I'll have
time.", or "I cannot handle that right now, I am going through
something stressful." They most certainly chalk it up to "What
harm can a kids channel really be doing?”
A Great Amount
Before we talk about
the specifics of the Kids Choice Awards let’s look at who Viacom is and what they are up to. Viacom Media Networks was originally MTV Networks and is now a media
conglomerate. Viacom oversees the operations of many
TV and Internet brands
such as MTV, VH1, BET, SPIKE, Nickelodeon, and Comedy Central to name
a few. They have recently launched Viacom Velocity, (click the link and
do hit play) which
is a, in their own words, a full-service integrated marketing and creative
content team within Viacom’s music and entertainment groups, built to super-serve
their advertising partners. Their catchphrase is
Connect, Innovate and Lift. Some of their coin phrases;
It’s the Truth
Be true to your self
Break the rules
Up for whatever
Creating Culture
Driving Innovation
Powering Connections
Velocity gives you
Why do anything if you’re
not going to be the best?
Then they said, "Come, let us build
ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make
a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole
Remember the quote in the beginning by
Viacom's CEO? "We are managing this company for one thing and one
thing only -- to build shareholder wealth. You can count on us to exploit every
opportunity to grow revenues..." Well, is it then surprising that they
created a video that hides behind satire to get you the parent
to ask the question “How do I monetize my children?...for their benefit of course”.
They claim they are looking at cultivating talent in the modern era. Stating
"Just as parents have long helped develop burgeoning athletes,
musicians, and actors, they are now nurturing the next generation of Viners,
Instagrammers, and YouTube stars". Watch the video and decide for yourself
what’s going on.
And, one more point before moving on to the KCAs; we need to be careful with our conversions surrounding the subject of capitalistic opportunity, and not suggest regulation(s). That will lead to both the stripping of the 1st Amendment and the free market. The ruling generations are now debating whether capitalism has failed us, pushing for us to become more socialist. We need to realize that moral behavior is essential to any economy. Immoral people can make any economic collapse, history is full of examples especially socialist or communist economies as they already stand on unbiblical principles. As Charlie Nathan, a blogger from American Thinker puts it, "If all economic systems have the same possibility for immoral, economically destructive behavior, why not choose the one with the greatest reward for the most people: capitalism."
And Again I'll Answer, Everything.
Like every kid, my children love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, currently airing on Nickelodeon. They watch Sponge Bob and Paw Patrol and many of the shows on Nick Jr. My six-year-old, when two, loved Yo Gabba Gabba. And really I do not see the harm in those shows mentioned, though I admit I know the about the Sponge Bob controversy, I still do not see it a huge deal. There are cartoons worthy of avoidance, Rocko’s Modern Life and Invader Zim to name just two. What I do find worth cautioning are the Nickelodeon and Teen Nick shows featuring live actors and actresses. These shows are indeed poisonous. Brother Tali talks about degrees. The world is full of them, you could also look at it as grey scales. One in from white doesn't seem that dark.
The funny thing about grey, one tiny drop of black into a pool of white
will change white to grey even if only by a degree. But no matter how much white you add to black, it can never, will never be white again. Truly truly, only Jesus Christ can take any shade of grey and make it white again, and not because he defies the law, but because he gives you a brand new white palette.
I have allowed the world to drop tiny drops of black into my children's minds, we all have. But only a fool would allow it to continue. So let's look at our pollutants. Take a minute to look at the line up of adults who are being featured at this year's Kid's Choice Awards (click the link called look at the line up).
I honestly didn't know all of them, such as Meghan Trainor. She is super cute, dresses fun, with a retro style and bright colors that pop, what little girl wouldn't look her up on the computer?
Trainor is an American singer-songwriter under the genre Bubblegum pop. Her more popular songs are titled All About That Bass, Lips Are Movin and Dear Future Husband. But she is a wolf in sheep clothing to our little girls. Even worldly mothers should advocate their daughters wait until there late teens to fan her. Her lyrics and videos are sexual in nature.
I have pulled lyrics from her song Dear Future Husband;
The funny thing about grey, one tiny drop of black into a pool of white
will change white to grey even if only by a degree. But no matter how much white you add to black, it can never, will never be white again. Truly truly, only Jesus Christ can take any shade of grey and make it white again, and not because he defies the law, but because he gives you a brand new white palette.
I have allowed the world to drop tiny drops of black into my children's minds, we all have. But only a fool would allow it to continue. So let's look at our pollutants. Take a minute to look at the line up of adults who are being featured at this year's Kid's Choice Awards (click the link called look at the line up).
I honestly didn't know all of them, such as Meghan Trainor. She is super cute, dresses fun, with a retro style and bright colors that pop, what little girl wouldn't look her up on the computer?
Trainor is an American singer-songwriter under the genre Bubblegum pop. Her more popular songs are titled All About That Bass, Lips Are Movin and Dear Future Husband. But she is a wolf in sheep clothing to our little girls. Even worldly mothers should advocate their daughters wait until there late teens to fan her. Her lyrics and videos are sexual in nature.
I have pulled lyrics from her song Dear Future Husband;
"After every fight
Just apologize
And maybe then I'll let you try and rock my body right
Even if I was wrong
You know I'm never wrong
Why disagree?
Why, why disagree?
You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy
Tell me everything's alright"
Yeah, I'm super sure I don't my 11-year-old singing along to that. Ahhhhh, it gets worse. Ever hear of Iggy Azalea? She too will be featured.
She is an Australian rapper and songwriter in the genre of Hip Hop. She like Trainor wears bright attractive colors. And is extremely beautiful, sporting bold fashions, what young girl or teen wouldn't google her? I cringe at the thought, her videos and lyrics are extremely explicit.
Like in her video Pu$$y, where her lyrics are a raunchy as the title;
"Iggy Iggy pussy illy
Wetter than the Amazon
Taste this kitty
Silly Billy poppin' pilly's
Smoke it like a swisher
Lick this philly"
Wetter than the Amazon
Taste this kitty
Silly Billy poppin' pilly's
Smoke it like a swisher
Lick this philly"
I will spare you the video but take note that there is a little boy of maybe 9 years hanging all over her while she raps these perverted lyrics. Maybe that is what Nickelodeon was thinking of when they invited her to the Kids Choice Awards. But is it any surprise? Really, are you sitting here stunned? Me neither. Who did the KCA have as last year's guest, Disney's Selena Gomez, who lured the children as the Pied Piper to the next degree of grey.
So What Do We Do?
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Cause The Demon Is In Deep |
Isaiah 65:2-5
"I have
spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people, Who walk in the way
which is not good, following their own thoughts, A people who continually
provoke Me to My face, Offering sacrifices in gardens and burning incense on
bricks; Who sit among graves and spend the night in secret places; Who eat
swine's flesh, And the broth of unclean meat is in their pots. “Who say, 'Keep to yourself,
do not come near me, For I am holier than you!' These are smoke in My nostrils,
A fire that burns all the day.
Revelation 18:2
he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the
great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean
spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird.
I will leave this topic in closing statement made by the Vigilant Citizen, "As their ideas continue to be applied to society, it is increasingly apparent that an ignorant population is not an obstacle that the rulers must deal with: It is something that is DESIRABLE and, indeed, necessary, to insure total leadership. An ignorant population does not know its rights, does not seek a greater understanding of issues and does not question authorities. It simply follows trends. Popular culture caters to and nurtures ignorance by continually serving up brain-numbing entertainment and spotlighting degenerate celebrities to be idolized. Many people ask me: “Is there a way to stop this?” Yes, there is. STOP BUYING THEIR CRAP AND READ A BOOK."
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.”
– Thomas Jefferson
– Thomas Jefferson
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